
Next Update 04/14/01



News 04/07/01:

Many said it could not be done, but I proved them all wrong. I bring you the first ever on time update of The Adventures of Bill.  I plan to get an archive section up in the next few days.  Hopefully I can finish the next few comics ahead of time so that I can spend more time working on the sit layout, because it well... sucks.  Till then please vote for me here, the more votes I get the higher a priority the site will become.  So vote often, vote Bill.


News 04/02/01:

Finally a new comic. It took me forever but it is up and there are more on the way and faster I promise.  Now that I have more than one comic I need to make an Archive section. I have enough ideas for the next few weeks so I hope I will have the time to do all the update on time.


News 03/23/01:

A few updates to the layout and I joined the KeenSpace Top 99 so vote for my site here. I promise a new comic as soon as I decide on a few plot details. Right now there are a bunch of funny events but the don't come together yet, but soon. Till then please go to my good friend Techni's page here. I personal favorite character in this comic is Cam, I wonder why. 


News 03/13/01:
The first Comic is up and there are more on the way. Right now I am spending most of my time on developing the site and as soon as that is done I will turn my attention to Comics and the updates will become more constant.




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